Preset Shop - Retrograde for Lightroom and ACR Photoshop Full Pack 8919796


+PS Retrograde
Film inspired looks for Lightroom® CC/6 to version 4 and ACR® 9 to version 7, OSX & Win.
65 looks + Retrograde Tools with an additional 46 presets including fades, film toning, film grains, vignettes & softening filters.

Retrograde Film Presets collection for Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop is a unique and modern professionally designed preset collection. If your looking for just that little extra, this is the product for you. Designed for Raw processing but works well on other formats like psd, tiff and jpg’s as well. Set your white balance and exposure and the presets will do the rest.

Subtle analogue film finishing and color grading for your photography and video, raw process your images or footage with Retrograde™ in Lightroom® or Adobe® Camera Raw, to get that characteristic 35mm film look.
Includes subtle film fades, warm sun kissed treatments, dreamy looks, vintage looks & expired film looks, all inspired from the look and feel of analogue films from Kodak®, Fuji® & Polaroid®.

Professional photographers and retouchers produce our products, they are powerful, fast and easy to install, working directly inside Lightroom and Camera Raw so no need to learn another interface, that might slow your workflow and computer down.

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